You are normally very diligent with your HVAC maintenance calls. You make sure to call a professional for a check up twice per year when you switch between heating and cooling. However, 2020 has been a bit of an odd year. With COVID-19, a number of homeowners, even the ones diligent about yearly maintenance to their HVAC, are questioning whether they should make the call for the appointment.
While any HVAC contractor worth their salt will take myriad COVID-19 precautions to keep both you and their technicians perfectly safe, it is okay to skip a singular maintenance call. In fact, if you have had regular HVAC maintenance for years, you are ahead of quite a few people already. There are some who only call for HVAC service when something breaks.
The maintenance on your heating or cooling system can help prevent problems by catching things early and keeping things clean. However, like in many other areas, problems in HVAC are often slow to appear organically. Unless there has been a damaging event or your HVAC technician warned you about potential future problems during the last check up, your system is okay to miss a maintenance call.
If your HVAC technician did warn you of issues that were starting on their last visit, you will want to give more consideration to calling them out to continue to monitor it to make sure your HVAC system hasn’t become dangerous to use. If you are concerned about COVID, do bring it up when you call to make the appointment. They should go through all the precautions that their technicians take and can work with you to have the maintenance call make as little contact with you during the service as possible. In some cases the technician would need to apprise you of situations happening in your HVAC, but many times the maintenance can be quite contact-free.
If it is well past time for HVAC maintenance in your home, contact us today to see what Air Doctor Heating & Air Conditioning can do to help.